Endometriosis Care
Our approach to endometriosis care is unique because we address both acute treatment of active disease and prevention of recurrence.
We seek to find the underlying factors that predispose you to develop endometriosis and correct them. We refer to these factors as “drivers of endometriosis”.
Once we have discovered your personal drivers for endometriosis, we use an integrative holistic approach to treatment.
Our board-certified physicians and nurse practitioners have a strong foundation in traditional medicine and integrate complementary medicine and lifestyle medicine into their medical practice.
This unique approach, our years of experience, and the way we give our patients a voice in their own care allows us to achieve better outcomes than traditional medicine alone.
Symptoms Often Associated with Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a chronic condition that usually affects women during their reproductive years. However, it is also a cause of pelvic and low back pain in post-menopausal women.
It is a condition that is often associated with some or all of the following:
pelvic pain
labor-like cramping
low back pain
vaginal pressure
abdominal bloating
deep pelvic pain with intercourse
history of frequent miscarriages
history of ectopic pregnancy
difficulty with conception
Symptoms range from mild to severe and tend to be worse around the time of ovulation and/or menses.
Endometriosis is one of the most commonly undiagnosed gynecologic conditions.
For women who are actively seeking treatment, it usually takes 8 to 10 years before a diagnosis is established.
It is a condition that is widely misunderstood and when it goes uncorrected, can have a HUGE impact on quality-of-life.
Women suffering from endometriosis may experience problems with school attendance, job attendance, intimate relationships, depression, anxiety, shame, resentment, and confusion.
For many women, this problem has a devastating negative impact on mental health.
This is why when women come to us expressing pain and other symptoms, we take it seriously.
The provider-patient partnership is an ongoing discussion where we value your story, your experience, and your desires.
Using our integrative holistic approach, we meet you where you are and give you the tools to help you get to where you want to go.
What to Expect
Our initial goal is to confirm the diagnosis of endometriosis and check for other possible causes of pelvic pain.
Step One: Establish Care
To begin, you will have a New Patient Visit with one of our board-certified medical providers.
At this intake visit, your provider will discuss your concerns and take a thorough history. Labs and tests will likely be ordered at the end of this initial evaluation.
Step Two: Start the Work-Up & Develop a Plan
Through a series of follow-up appointments with our Endometriosis care team, we will thoroughly review your labs and test results, answer your questions, provide education, and empower you to choose the treatment option that is right for you.
Together, we decide on a plan that works best for you.
Recommendations may include taking appropriate supplements and/or medications. For women who are suspected of having endometriosis or other problems requiring surgical correction, surgery may also be recommended.

“Da Vinci excision of endometriosis decreases the risk of recurrence from 1 in 4 women to just 6%, one year out from surgery.
But if you choose to start with surgery, know that it’s just the beginning—the first step of your endometriosis treatment. Targeted lifestyle changes further reduce your risk of recurrence.”
- Uthman Cavallo, MD, an experienced Da Vinci robotic surgeon
You will start on a path that integrates the expertise of our multi-disciplinary team of professionals, combining medical treatment with evidenced-based practices known to quiet the inflammation that fuels endometriosis—lifestyle practices such as improving nutrition and addressing the stress that we all experience.
Step Three: Implement the Plan
Most patients will follow-up with a provider every 3-4 months for the first year of care in order to:
check up on the original diagnosis (or diagnoses)
assess progress
review new symptoms
redraw labs if necessary
re-direct you toward an adjusted treatment plan